Connecting Black Women Running

By Kellie Todd Griffin

The California Black Women’s Collective is gathering information on Black Women who are running for office in 2022 throughout the state. Candidates are encouraged to submit information on a form that captures the information on their campaign.

“The goal is to make sure that Black Women know what Black Women are running in their community,” states Kellie Todd Griffin, convener of CA Black Women’s Collective and principal consultant of Crenshaw Chick, LLC. “Far too often, Black Women candidates have a hard time getting coverage about their campaigns, which make it difficult for other sistas to know about them and lean in to support.”

The list will be shared with the CA Black Women’s Collective membership along with its partner organizations throughout the state including Black Women Organized for Political Action, which helps support and prepare women who are running for office. The form can be filled out online at

For more information, contact Kellie Todd Griffin at


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